Vita ·
Publications ·
In preparation ·
Technical reports ·
Refereed publications:
Ian Wehrman and Josh Berdine
“A Proposal for Weak-Memory Local
Syntax and Semantics of Low-Level Languages (LOLA), 2011.
Program logics are formal systems for specifying and reasoning
about software programs. Most program logics make the strong
assumption that all threads agree on the value of shared memory at
all times. This assumption can be unsound though for programs with
races, like many concurrent data structures. Verification of these
difficult programs must take into account the weaker models of
memory provided by the architectures on which they execute. In this
paper, we describe progress toward a program logic for local
reasoning about racy concurrent programs executing on a weak,
x86-like memory model.
Tony Hoare, Bernhard Möller, Georg Struth, Ian Wehrman
“Foundations of Concurrent Kleene Algebra”
International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science / International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra, November 2009.
A Concurrent Kleene Algebra offers two composition
operators, one that stands for sequential execution and the other for
concurrent execution. In this paper we investigate the abstract
background of this law in terms of independence relations on which a
concrete trace model of the algebra is based. Moreover, we show the
interdependence of the basic properties of such relations and two
further laws that are essential in the application of the algebra to a
Jones style rely/guarantee calculus. Finally we reconstruct the trace
model in a more abstract setting based on the notion of atoms from
lattice theory.
Tony Hoare, Bernhard Möller, Georg Struth, Ian Wehrman
“Concurrent Kleene Algebra”
International Conference on Concurrency Theory, September 2009.
A concurrent Kleene algebra offers, next to choice and
iteration, operators for sequential and concurrent
composition, related by an inequational form of the exchange law. We
show applicability of the algebra to a partially-ordered trace model
of program execution semantics and demonstrate its usefulness by
validating familiar proof rules for sequential programs (Hoare
triples) and for concurrent ones (Jones's rely/guarantee
calculus). This involves an algebraic notion of invariants; for these
the exchange inequation strengthens to an equational distributivity
law. Most of our reasoning has been checked by computer.
Ian Wehrman, Tony Hoare, Peter O'Hearn
“Graphical Models of Separation Logic”
Information Processing Letters, June 2009.
In this paper, we present a trace semantics based on graphs: nodes
represent the events of a program's execution, and edges represent
dependencies among the events. The style is reminiscent of
partially ordered models, though we do not generally require
properties like transitivity or acyclicity. Concurrency and
sequentiality are defined using variations on separating
conjunctions, which are instances of model theories of separation
logic and bunched logic. The model has pleasant algebraic
properties, which are shown with surprisingly simple proofs. We
present a number of theorems about the generic model, including
the soundness of the laws of Hoare logic and the Jones
rely/guarantee calculus. No particular languages or applications
are studied in the paper; we leave this to future work.
DOI. Longer version with proofs and
examples for the proceedings of the 2008 Marktoberdorf Summer School.
Ian Wehrman, David Kitchin, William R. Cook and Jayadev Misra
“A Timed Semantics of
Theoretical Computer Science 402(2-3), pp234-248, 2008.
Orc is a language for structured concurrent
programming. Expressions in an Orc program are either primitive,
or a combination of two expressions. A primitive expression calls
an existing service, a site, which performs its computations and
returns a result. There are only three combinators for Orc
expressions, which allow sequential and concurrent executions of
expressions, and concurrent execution with termination.
Orc is particularly well-suited for task orchestration, a form of
concurrent programming with applications in workflow, business
process management, and web service orchestration. Orc provides
constructs to orchestrate the concurrent invocation of services
while managing time-outs, priorities, and failures of services or
Previous work on the semantics of Orc has treated only its
asynchronous behavior. The inclusion of time or the effect of
delay on a computation has not yet been modeled. In this paper, we
define a relative-time operational semantics of Orc that allows
reasoning about delays, which are introduced explicitly by
time-based constructs or implicitly by network delays. We develop
a number of identities among Orc expressions and define an
equality relation that is a congruence. For the simpler case of
asynchronous semantics without time, we develop additional results
about monotonicity and continuity of the Orc combinators, which
are used to assign meanings to recursive Orc programs.
DOI. Excerpt and slides for the Workshop on
Event-Based Semantics.
Sajeeva Pallemulle, Ian Wehrman and Kenneth Goldman
“Byzantine Fault Tolerant
Execution of Long-Running Distributed Applications”
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
and Systems, 2006.
Long-running distributed applications that automate critical
decision processes require Byzantine fault tolerance to ensure
progress in spite of arbitrary failures. Existing replication
protocols for data servers guarantee that externally requested
operations execute correctly even if a bounded number of replicas
fail arbitrarily. However, since these protocols only support
passive state machine replication, they are insufficient to
support continued correct execution of autonomous long-running
distributed applications.
Building on the Castro and Liskov Byzantine Fault Tolerance
protocol for replicated state machines (CLBFT), we present a
practical algorithm for Byzantine fault-tolerant execution of
autonomous distributed applications. The algorithm supports
replicated clients that actively execute application logic by
issuing operation requests on replicated data servers as well as
other replicated clients. Our work facilitates dynamic upgrades
to replica groups, supports both synchronous and asynchronous
operation requests, and provides fault isolation between replica
groups with respect to both correctness and performance. The
algorithm scales well to large replica groups with only twice the
latency and message complexity as compared to CLBFT, which
supports only unreplicated clients.
Ian Wehrman, Aaron Stump and Edwin Westbrook
“Slothrop: Knuth-Bendix Completion with a Modern
Termination Checker”
International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and
Applications, 2006.
A Knuth-Bendix completion procedure is parametrized by a reduction
ordering used to ensure termination of intermediate and resulting
rewriting systems. While in principle any reduction ordering can be
used, modern completion tools typically implement only Knuth-Bendix
and path orderings. Consequently, the theories for which completion
can possibly yield a decision procedure are limited to those that can
be oriented with a single path order.
In this paper, we present a variant on the Knuth-Bendix completion
procedure in which no ordering is assumed. Instead we rely on a
modern termination checker to verify termination of rewriting
systems. The new method is correct if it terminates; the resulting
rewrite system is convergent and equivalent to the input
theory. Completions are also not just ground-convergent, but fully
convergent. We present an implementation of the new procedure,
Slothrop, which
automatically obtains such completions for theories that do not
admit path orderings.
Slides and software
Aaron Stump and Ian Wehrman
“Property Types: Semantic
Programming for Java”
International Workshop on Foundations and
Developments of Object-Oriented Languages, 2006.
Dependent types have been proposed for functional programming
languages as a means of expressing semantically rich properties
as types. In this paper, we consider the problem of bringing
semantic programming based on dependent types to an
object-oriented language. A type-theoretically light extension
to Java (with generics) is proposed, called property
types. These are types indexed not by other types (as in
Java with generics) but by immutable expressions. We consider
programming with two examples of property types: a property type
HasFactors<long x, Set a>, expressing that
the elements of a are the multiplicative factors
of x; and a property type Sorted<List l>,
expressing that l is sorted.
Edwin Westbrook, Aaron Stump and Ian Wehrman
“A Language-based Approach to
Functionally Correct Imperative Programming”
10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference Functional
Programming, 2005.
In this paper a language-based approach to functionally
correct imperative programming is proposed. The approach is based on
a programming language called RSP1, which combines dependent types,
general recursion, and imperative features in a type-safe way, while
preserving decidability of type checking. The methodology used is
that of internal verification, where programs manipulate
programmer-supplied proofs explicitly as data. The fundamental
technical idea of RSP1 is to identify problematic operations as
impure, and keep them out of dependent types. The resulting language
is powerful enough to verify statically non-trivial properties of
imperative and functional programs. The paper presents the ideas
through the examples of statically verified merge sort, statically
verified imperative binary search trees, and statically verified
directed acyclic graphs.
Ian Wehrman and Aaron Stump
“Mining Propositional
Simplification Proofs for Small Validating Clauses”
3rd Workshop on Pragmatics of Decision Procedures in Automated
Reasoning, 2005.
The problem of obtaining small conflict clauses in SMT
systems has received a great deal of attention recently. We report
work in progress to find small subsets of the current partial
assignment that imply the goal formula when it has been
propositionally simplified to a boolean value. The approach used is
algebraic proof mining. Proofs from a propositional reasoner that the
goal is equivalent to a boolean value (in the current assignment) are
viewed as first-order terms. An equational theory between proofs is
then defined, which is sound with respect to the quasi-order
“proves a more general set theorems.” The theory is
completed to obtain a convergent rewrite system that puts proofs into
a canonical form. While our canonical form does not use the smallest
subset of the current assignment, it does drop many unnecessary parts
of the proof. The paper concludes with discussion of the complexity of
the problem and effectiveness of the approach.

In preparation:
Ian Wehrman
“Weak-Memory Local Reasoning” (Dissertation draft)
Program logics are formal logics designed to facilitate specification and correctness reasoning for software programs. Separation logic, a recent program logic for C-like programs, has found great success in automated verification due in large part to its embodiment of the principle of local reasoning, in which specifications and proofs are restricted to just those resources—variables, shared memory addresses, locks, etc.—used by the program during execution.
Existing program logics make the strong assumption that all threads agree on the values of shared memory at all times. But, on modern computer architectures, this assumption is unsound for certain shared-memory concurrent programs: namely, those with races. Typically races are considered to be errors, but some programs, like lock-free concurrent data structures, are necessarily racy. Verification of these difficult programs must take into account the weaker models of memory provided by the architectures on which they execute.
This dissertation project seeks to explicate a local reasoning principle for x86-like architectures. The principle is demonstrated with a new program logic for concurrent C-like programs that incorporates ideas from separation logic. The goal of the logic is to allow verification of racy programs like concurrent data structures for which no general-purpose high-level verification techniques exist.

Technical reports and theses:
Ian Wehrman
“Weak-Memory Local Reasoning” (Dissertation proposal)
Program logics are formal logics designed to facilitate specification
and correctness reasoning for software programs of a particular
programming language. Separation logic, a new program logic for C-like
pointer programs, has found great success due in large part to its
embodiment of a local reasoning principle, in which
specifications and proofs are restricted to just those
resources---variables, shared memory addresses, locks---used by the
program during execution.
Existing program logics make the strong assumption that all
threads agree on the value of shared memory at all times. This
assumption is unsound, though, for shared-memory concurrent programs
with race conditions, like concurrent data structures. Verification of
these difficult programs must take into account the weaker models of
memory provided by the architectures on which they execute.
In my dissertation project, I explicate a local reasoning principle
for a weak memory model based on a formal specification of the x86
multiprocessor memory model. I demonstrate this principle with a new
program logic for fine-grained concurrent C-like programs that
incorporates ideas from separation logic and rely/guarantee. Notably,
the logic may be applied soundly to programs with races, for which no
general high-level verification techniques exist.
Ian Wehrman
“Semantics and Syntax of a Weak-Memory Separation Logic: Sequential Fragment”
University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences, TR-2076
A sequential program logic based on separation logic is
defined and proved sound w.r.t. a weak x86-like memory model.
Ian Wehrman, David Kitchin, William R. Cook, and Jayadev Misra
“Properties of the Timed
Operational and Denotational Semantics of Orc”
University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences,
Orc is a language for structured concurrent programming. Orc
provides three powerful combinators that define the structure of a
concurrent computation. These combinators support sequential and
concurrent execution, and concurrent execution with blocking and
Orc is particularly well-suited for task orchestration, a form of
concurrent programming with applications in workflow, business
process management, and web service orchestration. Orc provides
constructs to orchestrate the concurrent invocation of services
while managing time-outs, priorities, and failures of services or
Previous work on the semantics of Orc has focused on its
asynchronous behavior. In this report, we define a relative-time
operational semantics of Orc that allows reasoning about delays,
which are introduced explicitly by time-based constructs or
implicitly by network delays. We develop a number of identities
among Orc expressions and define an equality relation that is a
congruence. We also develop a denotational semantics for Orc, in
which the meaning of an Orc expression is a set of traces. A
number of properties about the semantics are shown here, including
equivalence of the operational and denotational semantics.
Ian Wehrman
“Knuth-Bendix Completion with
Modern Termination Checking”
Master's thesis, Washington University in
St. Louis. WUCSE-2006-45. August, 2006.
Knuth-Bendix completion is a technique for equational automated
theorem proving based on term rewriting. This classic procedure is
parametrized by an equational theory and a (well-founded)
reduction order used at runtime to ensure termination of
intermediate rewriting systems. Any reduction order can be used in
principle, but modern completion tools typically implement only a
few classes of such orders (e.g., recursive path orders and
polynomial orders). Consequently, the theories for which
completion can possibly succeed are limited to those compatible
with an instance of an implemented class of orders. Finding and
specifying a compatible order, even among a small number of
classes, is challenging in practice and crucial to the success of
the method.
In this thesis, a new variant on the Knuth-Bendix completion
procedure is developed in which no order is provided by the
user. Modern termination-checking methods are instead used to
verify termination of rewriting systems. We prove the new method
correct and also present an implementation called Slothrop which obtains
solutions for theories that do not admit typical orders and that
have not previously been solved by a fully automatic tool.
Slides and software
Ian Wehrman, Sajeeva Pallemulle and Kenneth Goldman
Byzantine Fault Tolerance to Replicated Clients”
WUCSE-2006-7. February, 2006.
Byzantine agreement protocols for replicated deterministic state
machines guarantee that externally requested operations continue
to execute correctly even if a bounded number of replicas fail in
arbitrary ways. The state machines are passive, with clients
responsible for any active ongoing application behavior. However,
the clients are unreplicated and outside the fault-tolerance
boundary. Consequently, agreement protocols for replicated state
machines do not guarantee continued correct execution of
long-running client applications.
Building on the Castro and Liskov Byzantine Fault Tolerance
protocol for unreplicated clients (CLBFT), we present a practical
algorithm for Byzantine fault-tolerant execution of long-running
distributed applications in which replicated deterministic clients
invoke operations on replicated deterministic servers. The
algorithm scales well to large replica groups, with roughly double
the latency and message count when compared to CLBFT, which
supports only unreplicated clients. The algorithm supports both
synchronous and asynchronous clients, provides fault isolation
between client and server groups with respect to both correctness
and performance, and uses a novel architecture that accommodates
externally requested software upgrades for long-running evolvable
client applications.
Edwin Westbrook, Aaron Stump and Ian Wehrman
“A Language-based Approach to
Functionally Correct Imperative Programming”
WUCSE-2005-32. July, 2005.
In this paper a language-based approach to functionally
correct imperative programming is proposed. The approach is based on
a programming language called RSP1, which combines dependent types,
general recursion, and imperative features in a type-safe way, while
preserving decidability of type checking. The methodology used is
that of internal verification, where programs manipulate
programmer-supplied proofs explicitly as data. The fundamental
technical idea of RSP1 is to identify problematic operations as
impure, and keep them out of dependent types. The resulting language
is powerful enough to verify statically non-trivial properties of
imperative and functional programs. The paper presents the ideas
through the examples of statically verified merge sort, statically
verified imperative binary search trees, and statically verified
directed acyclic graphs.

Unpublished notes:
Knuth-Bendix Completion with a
Termination Checker
January 2007.
Higman's Theorem and Multiset
October 2006.